I received confirmation from the manufacturer that my Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble DVD shipment will be en route to Phoenix today, and will arrive Monday.
I am going to have 100 sent to me overnight. I can take some pictures and actually have the finished product in hand. Monday, we’ll begin filling orders in earnest.
My next guest on Talk for Food is Dr. Valerie Hunt (www.bioenergyfields.org), author of Infinite Mind, Professor Emeritus at UCLA and a pioneer in the study of consciousness. At 91 years of age she is continuing to make a difference in the world. She shares some great wisdom to help us “connect the dots” with respect to who we are and how to affect conscious change in our lives.
I am pleased to confirm that Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (www.sheldrake.org) will be a guest on Talk for Food in April, when he comes to Tucson to speak at the Toward the Science of Consciousness conference, at the Tucson Convention Center, put on by the University of Arizona.
A few others we are lining up include Peggy Phoenix Dubro, developer of the EMF Balancing Technique (www.emfworldwide.com), Gregg Braden author of The Divine Matrix (www.greggbraden.com); both will be presenting at the end of February in Sedona.
And, Lee Caroll, who is the instrument for Kryon (www.kryon.com) will be a guest on the show in May.
Rett, thank you so much for that endorsement!
I’ve been the shipping clerk for the past week. Haven’t felt much like a filmmaker, but one does what one has to do.
I agree with your assessment though. I also believe that chemotherapy and radiation… and even surgery, will be discredited as viable ways of treating cancer. I believe it’ll happen in our lifetime.
I have been viewing your DVD, “Understanding MMS, Conversations With Jim Humble”.
It is EXCELLENT! You have done a fine job, Adam.
I will be looking forward to your next MMS project.
There will be a next project, right?
This could be just the beginning of the documentary! The rise of MMS and the downfall of antibiotic therapy and all the destruction it has caused. This is a documentary of a paradigm shift that will rock pharmageddon, will alter our very way of life and our current economy within healthcare delivery around the world.
Congratulations for taking this very significant first step in education and communication. I wish you many prosperous sales!